The Law and Business Administration in Canada 15E Smyth Test Bank

Test Bank and Solution Manual  The Law and Business Administration in Canada 15E Smyth, Soberman, Easson & McGill ©2020  


The Law and Business Administration in Canada 15E Smyth, Soberman, Easson & McGill ©2020 Test Bank
The Law and Business Administration in Canada 15E Smyth, Soberman, Easson & McGill ©2020 Test Bank + Solution Manual


Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual

The Law and Business Administration in Canada 15E Smyth Test Bank

  • Publisher: Pearson Canada; 15th edition (February 15, 2019)
  • Langue: English
  • ISBN-10: 0134841298
  • ISBN-13: 978-0134841298




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The Law and Business Administration in Canada  15/EJ.E. SmythDan SobermanAlex EassonShelley McGillISBN-10: 0135353726 • ISBN-13: 9780135353721©2020 • Cloth Bound with Access CardPublished 02/15/2019 • Instock
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The Law and Business Administration in Canada, 15th edition, presents a comprehensive overview of traditional and current business law topics in a readable, practical, multi-platform format with online content and resources. Real case examples support the legal principles described in each chapter and students may examine the legal issues facing a single fictional business as it evolves through every chapter’s Cases and Problems section. 
The Law and Business Administration in Canada is a multi-purpose text that meets the needs and priorities of different types of courses. The comprehensive coverage of a wide variety of relevant legal topics make this text perfect for the business law survey course offered in most business schools. 
Personalize Learning with Pearson MyLab Business Law
MyLab Business Law is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

New To This Edition

Accreditation from AASCB does not involve a list of substantive legal topics to be taught but does include “ethical understanding and reasoning” and legal principles for a “global society”. The 15th edition embraces the existing format of not only including a stand-alone chapter on international but also embedding an international issue box into each chapter of the book so that instructors can ensure student receive the required AACSB global perspective even if the international chapter is not being taught. The similarly placed ethical issues boxes reinforce the content in Chapters 1 and 2 on law and ethics and corporate social responsibility. The 15th edition also facilitates coverage of Chartered Professional Accountant content following the development of a revised list of topics after the merger of various designations. Franchising and banking are among the new topics and somewhat surprisingly negotiable instruments remains. Therefore, in this edition Chapter expands its franchise content and Chapter 19 is revised and renamed for “Banking and Negotiable Instruments”

Alberta and British Columbia case examples are added to most chapters of the book so that users from across the county can draw province specific content for their students. The 15th edition retains its Canada wide perspective but at reviewers’ request, this edition attempts to balance examples with new cases from western provinces.
Indigenous content remains topic specific, but the 15th edition significantly expands the detail in the constitutional discussion of division of powers in Chapters 1 and 2 and in the Aboriginal rights and land claims discussion in Chapter 21. It incorporates several landmark Supreme Court of Canada decisions issued in 2014, 2015, and 2017.
Titles have been added to all cases and illustrations to help readers identify their purpose
Part 1: The Law in Its Social and Business Context
This part provides the foundation ethical content that connects law and ethics with corporate social responsibility.
Chapter 1: Law, Society, and Business

  • Updated content to include discussion of Uber and Marijuana
  • Added references and examples from 7 cases from Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia

Chapter 2: The Machinery of Justice

  • Added Banking content
  • Added 2 western province case references
  • Added a checklist for Dispute Resolution.

Chapter 3: Government Regulation of Business

  • Added New Case on Banking and consumer protection
  • Added new text and case examples on Aboriginal Duty to Consult
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces

Part 2: Torts
Significant changes in the law impacted these chapters
Chapter 4: The Law of Torts

  • Added content on duty of care with the new Supreme Court of Canada cases.
  • Revised content on defamation torts
  • Revised the causation discussion of negligence to consider material contribution.
  • Revised content on mental health damages.
  • Expanded Occupier’s Liability content
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces

Chapter 5: Professional Liability: The Legal Challenges

  • Revised the content on fiduciary duty to incorporate the new criteria set by the Supreme Court in 2013.
  • Reordered content to highlight fraudulent misrepresentation.
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces specifically related to professional organizations

Part 3: Contracts
All contract chapters were revised to streamline and update content and remove duplication. All chapters added case references and examples from western provinces. Major changes are noted here
Chapter 8: Formation of a Contract: Capacity to Contract and Legality of Object

  • Revised Indigenous content including reference to guiding principles
  • Revised content on Agreements in Restraint of Trade

Chapter 9: Title Change

  • Changed title to “Contract Issues: Mistake and Mispresentation” to better connect with CPA topics.
  • Revised undue influence.

Chapter 10: Writing and Interpretation

  • Revised Interpretation of Express Terms with reference to several Supreme Court Decisions
  • Added reference to Good Faith in Implied Terms

Chapter 12: The Discharge of Contracts

  • Revised Discharge by Frustration with new text and Checklist
  • Merged sections on Harshness of Common Law into one section on Release of Performance

Chapter 13: Breach of Contract and Remedies

  • Revised content on “Duty of Honest Performance” referencing two Supreme Court of Canada decisions from 2014
  • Added content on injunctions to reference 2017 Supreme Court of Canada decision

Part 4: Special Types of Contracts
Chapters 17 and 19 were targets of major revision for CPA purposes. Chapter 18 was also significantly amended to emphasize greater human rights content and reflect changes in the law
Chapter 17: Agency and Franchising

  • Amended to reference new BC franchise legislation throughout
  • Added new Illustration Box and Checklists
  • Added new sectioncalled Various Franchise Models – on intermediaries
  • Expanded existing Franchise Legislation section to include purpose, disclosure and new case
  • Added new section on Non Waiver
  • Changed International Box from dispute resolution to foreign franchisors
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces

Chapter 18: The Contract of Employment

  • Added new content on independent contractors
  • Added new case on liability in tort
  • Expanded reference to progressive discipline in text and glossary
  • Expanded Human Rights section with four specific sections on disability, sexual harassment, hostile workplace and constructive discrimination complete with new case examples
  • Revised content on Legal Status of Trade Unions
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces

Chapter 19: Negotiable Instruments was changed to “Negotiable Instruments and Banking”

  • The new chapter divides content into 3 parts: A new Banking section, a reduced Negotiable Instruments section and an expanded Modern Alternatives section

Part 5: Property
Chapters 20 and 21 required significant revisions.
Chapter 20: Intellectual Property

  • Revised throughout to reference pending legislations that significantly revises trademark legislation, some copyright and industrial design; current and pending are noted
  • Added several new Supreme Court of Canada intellectual property cases
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces

Chapter 21: Interests in Land and Their Transfer

  • Revised content under Crown Grand to reflect Indigenous issues
  • Added new sections, content and cases under Aboriginal Land Rights and Title including content on infringement and duty to consult
  • Added references to Truth and Reconcilliation Report and several Supreme Court of Canada decisions
  • Added new International Issue Box on United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Expanded content on Oil, Gas and Mineral Leases
  • Reduced content on Electronic Registration
  • Added new references to cases from western provinces

Part 8: The Modern Legal Environment for Business
Chapter 31: Electronic Commerce

  • Updated the discussion of Canadian anti-spam legislation.
  • Added content on patents to the Intellectual Property section.
  • Updated content on breach notification in Privacy section.
  • Expanded discussion of forum selection clauses with new case contracts.

Chapter 32: Privacy

  • Added discussion of new invasion of privacy torts and legislative causes of action
  • Added new content on Supreme Court of Canada decisions on privacy.


The text contains many features aimed at helping students understand, apply, and retain important concepts:

  • Cases: Real court decisions that demonstrate how judges create or apply a legal principle.
  • Illustrations: Simple factual scenarios that allow students to see a simple example the legal principle in action.
  • Checklists: Summaries that condense the text into a simple list of steps to follow when defining the law or applying a legal principle.
  • Ethical Issues: Descriptions of real events that present an ethical dilemma or demonstrate the link between law and ethics.
  • International Issues: Descriptions of real events that present an example of conflict of laws between jurisdictions.
  • Contemporary Issues: Current examples of situations that involve the legal principles of the chapter.
  • Strategies to Manage the Risk: A practical look at proactive ways a manager can address the legal issues presented in the chapter.

Table of Contents

PART 1 The Law in Its Social and Business Context
Chapter 1: Law, Society, and Business
Chapter 2: The Machinery of Justice
Chapter 3: Government Regulation of Business
PART 2: Torts
Chapter 4: The Law of Torts
Chapter 5: Professional Liability: The Legal Challenges
PART 3: Contracts
Chapter 6: Formation of a Contract: Offer and Acceptance
Chapter 7: Formation of a Contract: Consideration and Intention
Chapter 8: Formation of a Contract: Capacity to Contract and Legality of Object
Chapter 9: Contract Issues: Mistake and Misrepresentation
Chapter 10: Writing and Interpretation
Chapter 11: Privity of Contract and the Assignment of Contractual Rights
Chapter 12: The Discharge of Contracts
Chapter 13: Breach of Contract and Its Remedies
PART 4: Special Types of Contracts
Chapter 14: Sale of Goods and Consumer Contracts
Chapter 15: Bailment and Leasing
Chapter 16: Insurance and Guarantee
Chapter 17: Agency and Franchising
Chapter 18: The Contract of Employment
Chapter 19: Banking and Negotiable Instruments
PART 5: Property
Chapter 20: Intellectual Property
Chapter 21: Interests in Land and Their Transfer
Chapter 22: Landlord and Tenant
Chapter 23: Mortgages of Land and Real Estate Transactions
PART 6: Business Organizations: Their Forms, Operation, and Management
Chapter 24: Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships
Chapter 25: The Nature of a Corporation and Its Formation
Chapter 26: Corporate Governance: The Internal Affairs of Corporations
Chapter 27: Corporate Governance: External Responsibilities
PART 7: Creditors and Debtors
Chapter 28: Secured Transactions
Chapter 29: Creditors’ Rights
PART 8: The Modern Legal Environment for Business
Chapter 30: International Business Transactions
Chapter 31: Electronic Commerce
Chapter 32: Privacy 

About the Author(s)

J.E. Smyth
James Everil (Ev) Smyth (1920–1983) studied commerce at the University of Toronto, where he earned a B.A. and an M.A. He also became a Chartered Accountant and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. He taught at Queen’s University from 1946 to 1963, and then returned to the University of Toronto where he taught until 1983. He was an outstanding teacher and also served a term as head of the Department of Political Economy and then as head of the School of Business at the University of Toronto. He was the author of Introduction to Accounting Methods (Kingston: Jackson Press, 1951) and The Basis of Accounting (Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1954). In 1983, he was posthumously given the L.S. Rosen Award for Outstanding Contribution to Canadian Accounting Education by the Canadian Academic Accounting Association.
Dan Soberman
Dan Soberman (1929–2010) studied law at Dalhousie University and Harvard University. He began teaching at Dalhousie in 1955, and in 1957 moved to Queen’s University to help start the law faculty. He was dean of the faculty from 1968 to 1977, taught full-time until retirement in 1993, and continued to teach part-time there and in the School of Business until 1999. In the late 1960s, he was a member of the federal Business Corporations Task Force that drafted the Canada Business Corporations Act. In the autumn term of 2000, he was visiting professor at Kwansai Gakuin University in Japan. From 1977 until 2000, he was an adjudicator on human rights tribunals in Ontario and federally, and also acted as an arbitrator in labour disputes. He authored, or co-authored, chapters in various legal books and articles in law journals.
Alex Easson
Alex Easson (1936–2007) studied law in England, at Oxford University and the London School of Economics. Prior to coming to Canada, he practised law as a solicitor in London and taught at the University of Southampton. He was appointed professor of law at Queen’s University in 1976 and remained at Queen’s until he retired from full-time teaching in 2000. He then concentrated on his consulting practice, working principally for international organizations such as the IMF and the OECD, and specializing in international taxation, foreign investment, and economic reform. His work took him to more than forty countries on five continents. He authored, or co-authored, more than a dozen books, the most recent being Tax Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2004). We at Pearson Canada appreciate his contributions to several editions of this highly acclaimed text.
Shelley McGill
Shelley McGill holds an LL.B. from the University of Western Ontario and an LL.M. from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University. She is a full professor of business law in the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University. Professor McGill teaches law to graduate and undergraduate business students. She is also a deputy judge of the Ontario Small Claims Court where she presides on a part-time basis. Prior to joining Laurier, Professor McGill was a partner in the Ontario law firm of Sims Clement Eastman. Her research focuses on consumer protection issues and is published in a variety of Canadian and international law journals, including the Canadian Business Law Journal and the American Business Law Journal.

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list of Solution manual and Test Bank Part 1

list of Solution manual and Test Bank Part 2


list of Solution manual and Test Bank Part 3


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