Management, 7th Asia-Pacific Edition Schermerhorn, Davidson, Woods, Factor, Junaid, McBarron 2020 Solution Manual + Test Bank

Product details
- Publisher: Wiley; 7 edition (19 August 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0730369315
- ISBN-13: 978-0730369318
its the Test Bank and Solution Manual
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My name is Jone im from USA i want to get this solutions manual / test bank of:
book name :
Management, 7th Asia-Pacific Edition
ISBN: 978-0-730-36925-7 July 2019 608 Pages
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About the Book .. :
Eldenburg’s Management is an introductory text that focuses on presenting content in an easy to understand way that encourages students to think critically and draw connections between theory and practice. This new seventh edition has a strengthened focus on technology and features have been updated to help students further consolidate their knowledge.
This includes various forms of revision materials such as auto-graded knowledge-check questions and self-skill assessment. There is also a broad variety of concise case studies, including new ones with a strategic focus, which enable instructors to have thought-provoking and engaging tutorials. An exciting addition to the interactive e-text are the new ANZ videos that feature a diverse group of management thought-leaders who give insights and ‘tales from the front.’ This will provide supplementary content for lectures or serve as pre-work for a flipped classroom.
This includes various forms of revision materials such as auto-graded knowledge-check questions and self-skill assessment. There is also a broad variety of concise case studies, including new ones with a strategic focus, which enable instructors to have thought-provoking and engaging tutorials. An exciting addition to the interactive e-text are the new ANZ videos that feature a diverse group of management thought-leaders who give insights and ‘tales from the front.’ This will provide supplementary content for lectures or serve as pre-work for a flipped classroom.
All solutions manual and Test Banks be in soft copy [Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF )or Word format .Docx]
Best wishes,
Student Saver Team ,